
  • Semakin Banyak Anda Tahu, winning369.win

    jcn (16:48) : OH! mereka akan berbicara tentang ular di pesawat di NPR!

    Itu benar. Ada segmen pendek, 3 menit winning369.win di “Semua Hal yang Dipertimbangkan” di NPR hari ini. Apa yang membuatnya sedikit tidak nyata bagi saya adalah bahwa saya mengetahui bahwa salah satu mantan kohort Di Atas Malibu saya (dan kenalan melalui Brigade Warga Tegak), Brian Finkelstein, sekarang menjalankan situs web bernama Ular di Blog. Cukup aman untuk menyebut situs web Kliring Resmi Untuk Semua Berita SOAP.

    Seluruh premis di balik memulai situs, dengan kata-kata Brian sendiri:

    Tujuan saya, pencarian saya, adalah menjadi tamu undangan ke pemutaran perdana dunia film yang ditakdirkan untuk mengubah dunia. Film dengan cakupan dan kekaguman yang sedemikian rupa sehingga Anda hanya perlu membaca judulnya untuk memahami semua yang perlu Anda ketahui tentang film tersebut. Fakta bahwa itu menatap Samuel L. Jackson hanyalah renungan dari judul magis. Saya ingin menghadiri pemutaran perdana Hollywood yang mewah dari: Snakes on a Plane

    Change100, izinkan saya untuk memperkenalkan Brian Finkelstein, dijuluki “The Dreamcrusher” karena kecenderungannya untuk menyedot holdem. Dreamcrusher, izinkan saya untuk memperkenalkan Change100, dijuluki Change100 karena kecenderungannya untuk kehilangan sejumlah besar uang di blackjack. Change100 sebelumnya adalah seorang eksekutif di sebuah studio besar Hollywood, dan dia berbagi obsesi pemutaran perdana SOAP Hollywood Anda. Finkelstein adalah seorang improvisor, stand-up, dan pria lucu yang serba bisa. Kalian dua anak gila harus bersatu.

    Maaf Joaquin!

    Kemarin saya berkonflik dengan diri saya sendiri dari kesempatan untuk bermain di acara Razz WSOP $1500 pada 22/23 Juli. Agak menyebalkan, tapi kami melakukan apa yang harus kami lakukan. Acara yang saya pilih untuk didahulukan dari turnamen razz memiliki konsekuensi “kehidupan nyata” yang lebih nyata bagi saya daripada bermain di beberapa turnamen poker konyol. Dua kali lipat, apakah kamu mendengarkan?

    Sisi baiknya, ini berarti ada kepastian 100% bahwa saya akan membuat Summer Classic pada 8 Juli.

    Panggilan Terakhir di Blue Parrot

    “Saya berada sejauh mungkin di pusat kota — Beaver Street.”


    Seperti yang dimulai, demikian pula akan berakhir. Sedih untuk mengatakannya, tapi itu benar. Signor Ferrari sedang dalam proses menjual Blue Parrot, lubang berair yang indah di mana banyak “permainan rumah blogger NYC” telah jatuh. Pertama di atas Malibu menutup toko, lalu Murderer’s Row dibebaskan bersyarat, dan sekarang Blue Parrot. Apa yang harus saya lakukan untuk mendapatkan permainan kandang yang solid yang tidak menerbangkan kandang? Ah baiklah – Insya Allah, kita semua akan bertemu lagi di The Blue Parrot II (The Search for More Money).

    Sampai saat itu, kami punya cukup waktu untuk mengangkat gelas sekali lagi dan mengirim gadis tua itu, dan Dr. Pauly kami sendiri, dengan gaya. Pauly dan saya pergi ke Skylight Diner terdekat untuk makan burger berminyak sebelum turun ke tempat Signor Ferrari. Bergabung dengan kami bertiga dalam pemain poker terakhir ini adalah pemain biasa: Pelatih, Joel, Marie, dan Ugarte, lengkap dengan orang Yahudi yang mengamuk. Saya tidak yakin apa yang lebih lucu – lelucon yang diceritakan Ugarte atau lelucon yang bisa dibuat tentang rambutnya.

    7:00 – 8:00 (+$60) ($160) — Kami memulai holdem batas $2/$4 4 tangan dengan $100. Tangan pertama dimainkan empat arah dan diperiksa sampai ke sungai, jarang di Blue Parrot. Setelah pertempuran awal dengan Ferrari yang mengakibatkan dia mengalahkan jenis pelari-pelari, saya menjadi panas, mulai merobek meja dan meroket dari $80 menjadi $160 dalam waktu setengah jam. Pada jam 8 malam, kami memiliki cukup banyak orang untuk memulai putaran normal $2/$4 (gagal) – $0,25/$5 (pejantan) panggilan dealer.

    8:00 – 9:00 (-$15) ($145) — Waktu yang membosankan untuk bermain holdem dan stud hi/lo. Ugarte mungkin mengatakan sesuatu yang lucu. Pelatih mungkin tidak.

    9:00 – 10:00 (genap) ($145) — Foldaconda, holdem tidak bagus. Saat itulah Marie melepas sweternya untuk memperlihatkan kemeja merah ketat yang terbentang di payudaranya yang besar. Selain menjadi orang Inggris yang berkelas dan intelektual, Marie juga sangat menarik — terutama dalam balutan kemeja merah ketat yang memamerkan hooters gynormousnya yang memukau. Beberapa desas-desus tentang doping berputar-putar di sekitar meja, tetapi dia menanggungnya dengan keanggunan Inggris yang halus seperti biasa dan mereka segera diberhentikan.

    10:00 – 11:00 (-$55) ($90) — Oh, rasa sakit yang terbaik kedua, dengan tangan yang sangat kokoh, di Omaha Hi/Lo. Rahasia untuk Ugarte: Persetan dengan Anda dan rangkaian perahu yang lebih baik yang tidak pernah berakhir.

    11:00 – 12:00 (+$35)($125) — Untuk kesekian kalinya, Foldaconda membalikkan keadaan di Blue Parrot. Saya melewati kemudi dua kali berturut-turut (walaupun pertama kali saya berempat ketika Ferrari juga melewati kemudi) dan sebuah perahu besar untuk mengambil beberapa pot. Sementara itu, Pelatih membersihkan jamnya, memegang empat dongkrak, oleh empat raja Ugarte. Pauly melipat, atau mungkin tidak melipat, empat sembilan dengan tangan yang sama.

    12:00 – 12:30 (+$32)($157) — Vegas Holdem akhirnya diperkenalkan ke Blue Parrot. Saya memenangkan beberapa pot bagus, sekali lagi atas biaya Ferrari. Dia memeriksa menaikkan belokan di papan 2c-x-xc-Ac dan saya memegang 2d3c, 2d terbuka. Dia sudah 8x terkena, tidak berpasangan.

  • Hanya Karena Saya Suka Pria yang winning369.win

    Saya akui bahwa akhir-akhir ini blog ini telah menjadi tumpukan sampah yang mengepul di trotoar di pagi yang dingin di bulan Januari. (Akhir-akhir ini, Anda bertanya? dan saya dengan sopan meminta Anda untuk mendorongnya). Hari ini tidak akan ada bedanya seperti yang saya posting hanya untuk pasang salah satu milik kita sendiri. Dia pasti benar-benar datang ke keadaan menyesal jika dia meminta * saya * untuk colokan.

    Saudara blog poker bandel, winning369.win memiliki pertunjukan komedi besar yang akan datang pada hari Minggu. Semua detail dapat ditemukan di situsnya, tetapi jika Anda terlalu malas untuk mengklik, detail penting adalah:

    Mo Pitkin’s

    34 Jalan A

    Minggu 12 Maret @ 7 malam

    5 tulang

    Ugarte baru-baru ini membuat kesalahan dengan pindah dengan tunangannya *dan* menjadi pemilik rumah di Flatbush Prospect Lefferts Gardens Flatbush, yang berarti ini mungkin kesempatan terakhir Anda untuk melihatnya sebelum dia kehilangan kewarasan yang tersisa dan mulai mengatakan “ketuk ketuk” lelucon di kereta ke-2 untuk uang receh dan tas Cooler! Peternakan Doritos. Jangan lewatkan.

    Baca selengkapnya

    Karena saya hidup untuk melayani, atas permintaan populer, saya menyajikan petunjuk langkah demi langkah untuk menambahkan tag “Baca selengkapnya…” ke template blogger Anda. Harap diingat bahwa semua contoh saya menggunakan tanda kurung siku, bukan, eh, yang runcing. Untuk tujuan Anda, Anda harus menggunakan, eh, tanda kurung lancip sebagai pengganti tanda kurung siku:

    Langkah 1 – Di antara tag [style] dan [/style] di template Anda, tambahkan yang berikut:


    span.longpost {tampilan: tidak ada;}


    [Halaman Item]

    span.longpost {tampilan: sebaris;}

    [/Halaman Item]

    span.shortpost {tampilan: tidak ada;}

    Ini menciptakan dua “kelas” baru — shortpost, untuk satu atau dua paragraf uraian, dan longpost, untuk cacian yang bertele-tele itu.

    Langkah 2 – Temukan tag [$BlogItemBody$] di template Anda. Tepat di bawahnya, tambahkan yang berikut ini:


    [a href=”[$BlogItemPermalinkURL$]”]Baca selengkapnya…[/a]



    Jelas, Anda dapat mengubah teks “Baca selengkapnya…” menjadi apa pun yang Anda inginkan. Setelah selesai, seharusnya terlihat seperti ini:

    [div class=”post-body”]




    href=”[$BlogItemPermalinkURL$]”]Baca selengkapnya…[/a]




    Langkah 3 – Dalam teks setiap posting yang Anda buat, Anda harus melakukan salah satu dari dua hal:

    A) Jika shortpost yang Anda TIDAK ingin “Read more…” muncul, di SANGAT AKHIR teks posting, tambahkan:

    class=”shortpost”] Ini akan mencegah “Read more. ..” tautan
    tidak muncul. Jadi, misalnya:

    Ini adalah posting singkat.[span

    B) Jika itu adalah postingan panjang yang
    Anda ingin “Baca selengkapnya…” muncul, Anda harus menambahkan tag
    [span class=”longpost”] dan [/span]

    di sekitar bagian postingan yang ingin Anda tampilkan up ketika pembaca mengklik “Baca lebih lanjut…” Berikut ini contohnya:

    Ha ha ha ha! Saya telah menipu Dawn Summers yang jahat untuk mengubah templatenya dan benar-benar mengacaukan blognya. Detail untuk mengikuti di bawah ini.

    [span class=”longpost”]Semuanya
    dimulai pada tahun ’06, ketika Dawn masih dengan lantang dan agresif mengklaim
    kepada siapa pun yang mau mendengarkan bahwa dia berusia 25 tahun…

    paragraf tentang saya menipu Dawn.

    paragraf lain tentang saya menipu Dawn.

    …dan saat itulah senyum putih mutiaranya
    berubah menjadi bayi alienku. Ceritanya bagus ya?[/span]

    Itu dia. Jelas, ini akan sedikit mengacaukan posting Anda yang diarsipkan, karena tidak satu pun dari mereka yang diatur untuk menangani format baru (mereka semua akan memiliki tautan “Baca selengkapnya…” di akhir), tetapi selain itu bekerja cukup baik. Hal utama yang perlu diingat adalah Anda harus menambahkan Langkah 3A atau Langkah 3B ke teks setiap posting.

  • what would happen to me if i was running a game that got busted?

    Whether the game is legal or illegal, you’d be in for a lot more hassle. You’d be charged with Keeping a Gambling Place, which is a Class A Misdemeanor (fine up to $4,000, jail for up to a year, or both). You’d have to go to trial and defend yourself. In the case of the Austin slot onlain Club, it’s been a year and they still haven’t made it to trial so those things can drag on.

    why do illegal games exist?

    The most common motivation for raking a home poker game, and therefore making the game illegal, is that the person slot online running the game simply wants to make money from the game. A less common cause is that the person running the game is genuinely not aware that what they are doing (taking a rake, charging for food, paying a dealer etc.) is making the game illegal.

    why would i ever want to play in an illegal game?

    If you like playing in a home game with a professional (paid) dealer, the only way to get that is to play in an illegal game (since having a paid dealer by definition makes the game illegal).

    Additionally, because the organizers of illegal games are making money, illegal games tend to be well-organized, well-promoted and well-attended every single week. Many illegal games have perks like “free” food, drinks and nice tables and cards that you may not get in a typical home game. They are also typically run well by people who know how to manage a poker game — rules are more strictly followed and enforced, the game moves faster, etc.

    why would i not want to play in an illegal game?

    If you’re OK with doing something that’s technically illegal, and you’re OK with the (probably very small) risk that the game will get busted and you’ll lose your buyin and possibly get a small fine, the only other downside to playing in an illegal game is that since it’s raked it’s generally harder to make money there. Illegal game rakes tend to be equal to or higher than the rakes in Vegas and other places where games are legal, and in some cases the rakes are much higher. That can make the game very hard to beat, even for a very solid player. On the other hand, if the game has a lot of poor players it could very well be a much easier game to beat than a typical home game.

    should i play in an illegal game?

    You should make your own mind up and decide whether you want to play in an illegal game or not. I have created this page so you can be informed and make up your own mind.

    The games that I’ve held in the past have always been, and always will be, unraked, player-dealt, and 100% legal. I work hard to make sure people have fun at my games and the games are honest and well-run. I’m not trying to make a living from poker, which is why I don’t feel like I need to take money from the pots of my games to keep the games that way.

    I’d love to see a day when all poker is 100% legal in Texas and professional cardrooms are allowed to operate in the light of day. Until that time, keep yourself informed and make your own decisions as to when and where you want to play poker.

  • Simplified Card Counting in slot online

    Card counting is a strategy used in blackjack to determine when the player has a statistical advantage over the house. This is done by tracking the ratio of high cards to low cards left in the deck. The greater the percentage of tens, face cards and aces in the deck, the greater the advantage for the player. The basic idea is to bet more money when the player has an advantage and less money when they are at a disadvantage.

    There are many card counting systems, but it is first necessary to learn the basics of the plus/minus point count system. This system is relatively easy and with a minimal amount of practice you will be ready to play for real. The more complex systems are variations of the plus/minus slot gacor and can be easily adapted after learning the basics. There are also easier systems, such as the Ace Five count, but they are less accurate and require you to raise your wagers at a much greater rate. The way a casino can tell when you are counting cards is that you greatly increase your bets when the count is in your favor. The plus/minus system allows you to raise your bets at a more gradual and harder to detect rate.

    In blackjack the player gains an advantage when the deck has a shortage of cards valued 2,3,4,5 and 6. The player is at a disadvantage when the deck has a shortage of tens, face cards and aces. By counting cards you will know when you have this advantage and be able to capitalize on it by increasing your bets. When the deck has a disproportionately low amount of face cards and Aces, you can alter your strategy by hitting on hands you normally would not. This will increase the overall number of hands that you win.

    In the plus/minus point count a plus value is given to low cards, and a minus value is given to high cards. The higher the point count, the better the odds for the player. When the cards are being dealt simply keep a count in your head as you see each card. Start at zero and add one for each 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 dealt. Subtract one from your count for each 10, J, Q, K or Ace dealt. This will give you what is known as a running count. 7, 8, and 9 have a value of zero. This is because they have a very small statistical effect compared to the other cards. There are some variations, such as the Canfield Master, that use a value of -2 for the Ace instead of -1 or give a value of +1 to the seven instead of zero. A running count is the actual count and assumes you are playing with a single deck.

    This system is balanced. There are 20 cards in a deck that are valued plus 1, and 20 cards that are valued minus 1. The remaining 12 cards (7, 8 and 9) have a value of zero. At the end of a deck the count will be zero. To practice this system, take a deck of cards and flip them one by one while keeping track of the count. At the end of the deck the count should be zero. Keep practicing by flipping the cards faster and faster and do this with distractions around. You should be able to count a full deck while having a conversation and watching TV.

    Once you are confident that you can quickly and accurately count cards, it is time to look at your betting strategies. The higher the plus count, the more that you want to bet. If the running count is plus 1 or negative, bet one unit. The unit can be whatever you want it to be, but is generally the table minimum for beginners. When the running count is plus 2 or 3, bet 2 units, plus 4 or 5 bet 3 units, plus 6 or 7 bet 4 units and plus 8 or more bet 5 units.

    It is rare that you will play in a single deck blackjack game. The next step is to calculate the “True Count.” The true count is calculated by dividing the running count by the total number of decks that have not yet been dealt. The most common, and easiest, way to determine how many decks are left is to look at the remaining cards in the shoe and make an estimate. A more accurate, and more complicated, way is to count the number of decks played based on the number of rounds played. If there are 6 slot online players and each average 3 cards per hand, each round will use 1/3 of a deck. Most casinos use 6 decks. So, after the first round divide your running count by 6 to figure out your true count. After the second, third and fourth rounds divide by 5. The deeper into the shoe you get, the more accurate the running count is.

    When the shoe is first shuffled the dealer holds about a 0.5% advantage. Each additional true count point increases the player’s advantage by 0.5%. So, when the true count is +1, you have even odds. When the true count is at +2 the players have a 0.5% advantage.

  • web-friendly robert’s rules of judi slot

    Joe (aka Poker Prof) writes:

    I just finished building a web friendly copy of Robert’s Rules of Poker. I am hoping it will be an easy to use on-line copy for the thousands of new poker players entering the scene (like myself) to know the “offical” rules.

    binion’s reopening coverage

    Nice little article from the LV Mercury on some of judi slot the positive changes in Binion’s Horseshoe since it’s reopening last week:

    The verdict on Binion’s from the locals and regulars: so far, so good. The changes are small: a roomier feel, a few banks of slot machines removed to make the place easier to navigate. The snack bar at the west end of the building is still a snack bar (and not the vaunted deli) and the $1 million display is God knows where, but the cosmetic changes hint at a possible return to the property’s jeans-and-big buckle vibe.

    profile of finnish female poker pro

    There’s an interesting profile of Johanna nni, “the only woman in Finland – and probably in Europe – who plays poker professionally.”

    “My partner says that I am gifted and lazy”, Johanna Pnni laughs. “I admit that I am. For instance, I have read only one poker book, although there are hundreds available. I should play more, but I am a girl, and I like shopping and hanging around in cafs.”

    ubbock sports bar tournament happens!

    This is great. Jake’s sports bar in Lubbock, TX, which I previously wrote about finally held their poker tournament. This time the DA didn’t touch it — because they didn’t charge an entry fee. They offered a $125 first prize, zero entry fee, and got 60 players.

    “Are you allowed to bet on the side?,” NewsChannel 11 asked one player. “No, there’s no side bets, they said absolutely no cash on the table or no talking of cash or anything like that, so, the DA would definitely shut ’em down, I heard,” said player Gabe Hogan.

    Expect to see a lot more setups like this happen around the US in states where no-money poker is legal. There are already a bunch of free-entry tournaments in Austin bars and restaurants. If each player generates a few bucks of revenue for the venue, it’s a positive expectation proposition.

    Update: Todd says: “There would have been more there but seating was limited to the first 60 to sign up starting at noon the day of the game!” Thanks Todd. It sounds like the interest out there is overwhelming!

  • 6th Annual Binion’s World sanghoki Open…

    Just made my reservations at the Horseshoe for my trip to Tunica and the 6th Annual Binion’s World sanghoki Open. This is the tournament with the main event final table being on the WPT television show that airs on the Travel Channel.

    I will be there between Jan. 6th and Jan. 9th trying to win a satellite to the main event (and some of the smaller ones as well) so get in touch with me if you are going to be there and maybe we can meetup or something.

    Anyways… if you are interested information can be found HERE!

    If you call Carole Lambert at the 800 number listed on the link above she will be able to hook you up with a $45 sanghoki room rate. She told me that during the event there will not be any better price for poker players no matter how much you play since there will be so many people coming into Tunica for the event and most likely they won’t have any rooms available once the event gets here.

    Hope to see you there and you can get in touch with me if you have any questions.

    Lucky Players???

    I just read an excellent quote (in Sklansky’s “Theory Of Poker”) from Bobby Baldwin… I felt I needed to post this since lately there has been a rash of what some friends of mine have been calling “luck” at the home game that I play in. I keep telling them there is no such thing as luck!! Read on…

    “I’ve heard good players complain to me about how they get drawn out on all the time but if they want to better their game and better their emotional state while playing, they should realize it’s a mirage. If you are an excellent player, people are going to draw out on you a lot more than you’re going to draw out on them because they’re simply going to have the worst hand against you a lot more times than you have the worst hand against them. There’s no way you’re going to draw out on anybody if you don’t get all your money in there on the worst hand.”

    ~Bobby Baldwin after being knocked out of the 1981 sanghoki by 2 different bad beats that were 21 to 1 dogs against his hand.

    Poker and Sunglasses…

    I got to thinking about people wearing sunglasses at the table the other day and I think that they should be banned while at the table.

    Reason being is what is stopping someone from wearing a welder’s mask or fabricating something that goes over their entire face where you can’t even see their face.

    Would this be too over the top?? I just think a true card player doesn’t need the glasses but any advantage that can be had should be had I guess.

    I just think that part of the sport is about having to have the b@lls to stare someone down if needed and not having to “hide” behind some shades to do so.

    Anyways… Point being is that if it came to a vote… Not NO but HELL NO to sunglasses at the table.

    What’s your take??

  • Tournament Series Final Table game slot penghasil uang April 22nd 2022

    Last night, special guests Bodog game slot penghasil uang Pros David Williams and Jean-Robert Bellande, joined the Blogger Tournament Series resulting in an eventful night of donkey warfare.

    Final Table Players and Payouts

    1. donkette – $159.00 + T$109

    2. vin_nay – $106.00 + T$109

    3. BuddyDank – $63.60 + T$109

    4. Columbo777 – $53.00 + T$109

    5. CEMfromMD – $42.40 + T$109

    6. KJTech – $34.45

    7. emptyman – $29.15

    8. smokkee – $23.85

    9. RedKoi – $18.55

    The final hand came down to a showdown between bloggers vin_nay and donkette, where donkette held a 4-1 chip advantage going in. vin_nay then jammed his short stack from the button with A-3o, and then game slot penghasil uang langsung ke rekening donkette snap called with 9-9 and “BOOOM” it was all over baby giving donkette her first Bodog blogger victory and moving her to 18th place on the blogger tournament leaderboard.

    Bodog Blogger MondoGarage Claims Bounty on Head of Bodog Poker Pro Jean-Robert Bellande

    Congratulations to Bodog blogger MondoGarage who claimed the $100 bounty on the head of Jean-Robert Bellande where MondoGarage raised 3.5x with JJ from middle position. It then folded around to Jean-Robert Bellande who limped from UTG with 78s, cold called.

    The flop came 10-2-7. Jean-Robert Bellande bet out the pot. MondoGarage put Jean-Robert Bellande all-in and he called. Jean-Robert did not improve and then headed down to Bellagio’s Fontana Lounge to mix it up with the “local talent”.

    Bodog Blogger vin-nay Claims Bounty on Head of Bodog Poker Pro David Williams.

    Congratulations to Bodog blogger vin_nay who claimed the $100 bounty on the head of David Williams, where David Williams bet out 3.5x from middle position and the action then folded around to vin_nay who monkey pushed all in from the BB with K-6o. David then called with A-4o, but couldn’t fade a King on the river.

    A BIG Thank You to Jean-Robert Bellande and David Williams for taking the time out from their busy schedules to join us. On behalf of all Bodog bloggers, we wish them much continued success!

    Join the Battle of Bodog bloggers for a chance to win a once in a lifetime opportunity to be a part of Team Bodog at the 2008 World Series of Poker* By playing only a handful of tourneys, you too can win a seat in the top 18 for the Bodog Blogger TOC on June 10th! Wait no longer! Do the Bodog Poker download!

    Tournament Series Final Table April 15th 2008

    The battle of the Bodog bloggers continues! Last night was nothing short of BoDonk-a-riffic!

    Final Table Players and Payouts

    1. emptyman – $168.00 + T$109

    2. Sed The Icon – $100.00 + T$109

    3. GoldenHammer – $67.20 + T$109

    4. cbags – $50.40 + T$109

    5. ScottMc – $33.60 + T$109

    After winning a monster pot with 77 vs A-3o, emptyman called Sed the Icon’s push for over half his stack with J8o against Sed’s A-5o. emptyman flopped middle pair and Sed The Icon’s A-5 didn’t improve giving emptyman his second Bodog blogger victory and moving him from 8th position to a comfortable 3rd place on the tournament leaderboard

    Debating on whether or not to play the Bodog Blogger Tournament?

    It’s not too late! In only a handful of tourney’s played, emptyman was able to solidify himself with a seat in the top 18 for the Bodog Blogger Tournament Of Champions on June 10th!

  • Dos and Don’ts of Joining a Discord Server

    Discord servers can be a great way to connect with like-minded people and discuss your favorite topics. Since Discord servers are usually open to the public, there are some basic etiquette rules you should follow.


    Introduce yourself:  When you join a server, introduce yourself in the #general channel. This shows that you’re friendly and polite and gives the server’s members a chance to welcome you.

    Follow the rules:  Every server has its own set of rules. Be sure to read and follow them so you don’t get kicked out or banned.

    Be respectful:  Even if you don’t know someone, it’s important to be respectful. This includes not using offensive language, spamming, or being disruptive.


    Spam or flood the chat:  This is one of the quickest ways to get yourself kicked out of a server. Not only is it annoying, but it makes it hard for others to have a conversation.

    Be a troll:  Don’t go into a server just to cause trouble. This includes starting arguments, being disrespectful, or deliberately trying to annoy other members.

    Steal someone’s identity:  Don’t pretend to be someone else, especially if you’re trying to impersonate a server staff member. This can get you banned from the server.

    Discord servers are a great way to connect with other people who share your interests. By following the basic etiquette rules, you can make sure you have a positive experience and make some new friends along the way.

    How to Join a Discord Server

    Joining a Discord server is simple and only takes a few seconds. You can join a server using either the Discord app for your computer or mobile device, or by visiting the server’s website.

    To join a Discord server using the Discord app:

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  • Dude, Where’s Slot Demo My Cards…?

    I’ve played a grand total of 69 hands in the past 48 hours. That’s one NL $10+1 SnG on Paradise, that I finished Slot Demo fourth in. Strange as it is to say this, two days with less than 100 hands between them is a major poker drought for me these days. I wonder if that’s a good thing or a bad thing…

    Thanks to everyone who hit me with a note after my last post. Running good feels great, even if you KNOW it won’t last, and will invariably be offset at least partially by running bad at some point. I think being able to write about running good may help me with the “tilt-proofing” process JW talks about over at Outkicked so often, drawing on the immortal HDouble’s writings.

    If nothing else, the act of sitting down to write about your play forces you to scrutinize decisions and performance, Slot Demo rather than outcome. I can’t count how many times I’ve been writing about a hand where I thought my play was great, only to see that I’d made some kind of significant mistake. Sometimes, there’s this hidden desire to change the “facts” of the hand to make my play seem justified, but thankfully I haven’t been caving in to that temptation.

    Two examples of what I’m talking about: a flopped two pair, and a 3-flush board I’ve hit online in the past week.

    The two pair I had was weak: 5’s and T’s with a 5QT board — limit poker, shorthanded. Problem is, the pot was raised pre-flop, and the Q and the 5 were suited on the board (I didn’t have any of that suit). What did I do? I flat-called the flop hoping to checkraise or re-raise the turn. Horrible play, in my view, particularly with about 8.5 SB’s in the pot on the flop. I didn’t realize I had exposed my bottom two to both straight and flush draws until I went to write about the hand.

    As for the 3-flush board, its a little similar to my winning hand from the home game the other night, but with disasterous possibilities built into it. The game is $50 NLHE on InterTops (Party), and I’m holding Kc4h in the BB. I see the flop for free with several others, and it comes down 7c9cJc. Immediately, I’m thinking about making a flush, and with no PF raising, probably the best hand if I do hit. I forget the betting, but I don’t think it was too substantial on the flop. Turn brings what I asked for, a club, in the form of the 5c. I decide to trap, and call a moderate bet, along with 2 others. The river, interestingly, is the 8c. The SB comes to life and bets the river instead of check/calling as he had been. Meanwhile, idiot me is thinking about taking stacks with my King high flush, and move in on him. Folds back to the SB, who ponders and then times out (intentionally?). His all-in protection kicks in, and he sees a showdown without having to call my all-in bet with… the 6c for a straight flush. I lose a small chunk of my stack, equal to the size of his initial river bet.

    He reconnects quickly and asks about the hand, asking if I had the ten of clubs. First off, he’s an uber-weakie for disconnecting, and for worrying about a higher SF. But moreover, the possibility of someone having that hand never even crossed my mind. I was too busy thinking about how huge MINE was, and how many chips I’d win with it. Fundamental mistake. Writing about it here helps me realize that and hopefully re-tune my game in the future.

    Probably not much poker this weekend until the big tourney on Sunday. Real life sometimes has to take priority, for better or worse.

  • Missing Sihoki Tournament Chips and Sealed Bags? Why and How?

    Unfortunately my second day at the 2006 Sihoki Main Event started out bad. Upon sitting down at table 63, Seat 6, the sealed security bag containing my chips had been opened and chips placed in front of my seat. Upon counting my chips, I immediately notified the dealer Mark, that my chip stack, was short 3200. The dealer called floor and the floors ruling was essentially that it was too bad.

    During the first break, the player in seat 3 asked me again how much I was short and stated that his chip stack was missing 5000.

    I have 2 problems with this situation notwithstanding the obvious, the first is, what the point of placing the chips in a sealed bag, Sihoki if the sealed bag is opened outside my presence? The second, why even bother having a sealed bag and chip security if when it comes to a ruling it doesn’t matter anyway.

    WSOP Payouts

    Alert the IRS! Here are your offical 2006 WSOP Main Event payouts. With 873 players being paid (just about 10% of the field), it looks like we’ll hit the money bubble sometime on Friday (Day 3) At least twelve new millionaires will emerge from this tournament, and 63 players will take home over six figures. Making the money at all guarantees a player at least $14,597 for their efforts.

    Jesus Is Alive and Well

    Bedroom Eyes – Lost and Found

    I was pretty disappointed when Fabrice Soulier was a Day One casualty. Not only is he an outstanding touanment player, already grossing over $275K this year, but he gives great “bedroom eyes.”

    Taking picture of poker players is a bit tricky. Let’s face it, there aren’t many “action” shots. A player’s whole goal is to be motionless and expressionless. They often keep their eyes pointed to the felt with their heads down. You basically get a lot of pictures of someone’s chin and a baseball cap.

    And some players hate having their picture taken. If Barbara Enright gives me the finger one more time I’m going to print it:)

    So I was mourning the loss of Soulier from the field, when I remembered that Daniel Alaei still has chips.

    I feel a little better now.

    Damn, I just lost Alaei. Wanted: New bedroom eyes candidate

    Player Profile: Tina Pfeifer

    Playing under the screen name emmasaunt, Tina Pfeifer paid $6 for her seat in the WSOP main event. The online qualifier from Ft. Dodge, Iowa unfortunately didn’t make it past Day 1. Don’t worry Tina, I am sure Emma will still love you.

    Aussies on Day 2A – Jeff Flying

    Over 11 aussies started Day 2A – Jeff Lisandro and Mark Vos heading the Oz chip counts. Some had fallen by the wayside before I got in but at the dinner break the following still endured. The figures are approximate chip counts . Photos inside

    Name Game, part 3

    Todays name game is occupation surnames. It is a long list, too:

    We have 3 Walkers, 3 Cooks, 2 Bakers, a Brewer, Baker, Farmer, Writer, Gardner(sic), Weaver, Sadler, Fan, Law, Binder, Hunt, Chandler, Fryer, Glassman, Bishop, Marshall, Riggs, Sparks, Foster, Turner, Labor, Ho , Blow, Lovelady, and someone who is Rich.

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